Top Allowance for Loan and Lease Loss Webinars of 2016

Dec 7, 2016

What a year 2016 has been! FASB’s (long-debated and finally issued) current expected credit loss (CECL) model marked one of the most significant accounting changes in recent history, and it certainly gave those of us interested in risk mitigation for banks and credit unions plenty to talk about. Our roundup of top webinars this year reads like the syllabus of CECL 101, and these top ten sessions provide a solid foundation of knowledge about the ALLL under current and future GAAP standards. If you find yourself needing an introduction to the CECL guidance or a refresher on a particular aspect of this accounting change, look no further than our most popular webinars of 2016, all available to watch on demand now.

Ranked in order of highest attended:

The Real Price of Risk: Rating Risk, Pricing Loans and the ALLL

This webinar covered the basics of identifying risk, pricing it appropriately and reflecting it in the reserve. It includes an in-depth discussion of the benefits of a standard risk rating system, how to improve profitability of loan pricing models and how risk ratings affect the ALLL.

Subjective CECL: Qualitative Adjustments and Forecasts Under the CECL Model

In this session, Tim McPeak discussed how to conduct economic forecasting and leverage qualitative adjustments under the CECL standard.

Data Quality Considerations for CECL Measurement: State of the Market and Immediate Actions

This session featured Garver Moore, director of special research for Abrigo Advisory Service Group, and Danny Sharman, a Abrigo core integration project manager, discussing common data problems institutions face for the CECL transition. The session also provides an outline of immediate steps for institutions to take to ensure that information needed for CECL calculations is accessible and sound in time for implementation.

Understanding the ALLL Today before CECL

This webinar focuses on the current ALLL calculation and offers a comprehensive introduction for institution staff who are new to the allowance for loan and lease losses. The session provides an overview of challenges with the ALLL under current GAAP standards, a look at how to effectively use benchmarks in managing and documenting the ALLL, and a discussion of portfolio segmentation and the use of pooled impairment methodologies.


For more on CECL to take you into 2017, see our upcoming CECL Methodology Webinar Series.


Access FASB’s CECL Prep Kit, a comprehensive guide to industry resources to better prepare you for the CECL accounting change.