Webinar: Data Quality Considerations for CECL Measurement

Oct 27, 2016

FASB’s issuance of the current expected credit loss model (CECL) in June marked the most significant change in accounting guidance in decades. Institutions are still digesting the implications of the new ruling’s requirements, and many are making strides toward preparing their data for the CECL methodology and parallel ALLL calculations as soon as Q1 of 2017. Join us on Monday, Nov. 14 at 2 p.m. ET as Garver Moore, director of special research for Abrigo Advisory Service Group, provides an overview of common data problems institutions face for the transition and outlines immediate steps to take to ensure that information needed for CECL calculations is accessible and sound in time for implementation, regardless of future evolution or regulatory clarification.


There will be time for Q & A following the presentation.