Credit Unions
Credit unions vs. community banks: What are the different CECL challenges?
Community banks and credit unions face different challenges when preparing for the new current expected credit loss model (CECL). Often, credit unions are grouped together with community banks, although their experience will look different when building out their models. What loss rate methodologies are applicable to community banks but not credit unions? What challenges do credit unions face that are unique to their own loss history, portfolio structure and loan count?
Your credit union CECL committee
If a credit union has not yet formed a committee to oversee CECL implementation, consider including representatives from the board of directors, accounting/finance, information technology, credit analysis, internal audit and risk mitigation.
ALLL Regulation
What credit unions need to know about CECL
Over the course of the next several years, any number of aspects of the financial industry can change. Information security could become tighter to better protect a financial institution’s sensitive data, or restrictions could relax allowing more credit union members access to lines of credit for mortgages or auto loans. One critical change in the landscape, though, isn’t member-facing – transitioning from the incurred loss model to the expected credit loss model in a credit union’s allowance for loan and lease losses (ALLL).
ALLL Regulation
NCUA Expectations
The National Credit Union Administration, or NCUA, is responsible for oversight of both federal credit unions and FDIC-insured state-chartered credit unions.