Data for CECL: What will you need?
When should institutions begin to execute preliminary CECL calculations?
Vintage analysis and data collection
Vintage analysis is a method of evaluating the credit quality of a loan portfolio by analyzing net charge-offs in a given loan pool where the loans share the same origination period. It allows the financial institution to calculate the cumulative loss rates of a specific loan pool, thereby determining the loan pool’s lifetime expected loss... Read more »
Webinar: The final CECL standard
Video: 5 Steps for CECL implementation planning
Final CECL guidance issued by FASB
Final CECL guidance is near; what should banks do now?
FASB Moves toward CECL finalization
Webinar: Scenario Analysis
Slides: Scenario Analysis
FASB Reviews revised CECL proposal with TRG
FASB Assembles Transition Resource Group (TRG)
Whitepaper: Vintage Analysis Basics
Preparing for CECL data requirements
CECL Implementation Prep Guide
FASB to hold roundtable on CECL
FASB sets preliminary CECL effective dates: 2019 for large banks; 2020 for others
FASB now expects final CECL rule in 2016
4 Reasons your financial institution’s data may be inadequate for CECL
Bankers’ ALLL feedback, summarized
How does your ALLL stack up to your peers’?
Assessing credit risk & ALLL levels under an expected credit loss model
Guidance on accounting for expected credit losses
4 Advantages of ALLL Scenario Building
IASB delivers expected credit loss model
Shrinking reserves means no more lazy lending
Complete Guide to the ALLL eBook
Your ALLL: 3 Ways to Prepare for Year-End
Your ALLL Roadmap: Are You Ready for the Future?
ALLL Roadmap